After losing at yet another crew bingo with 2 Pilipino bar waiters taking the $1500.00 win, I rushed back stage to get ready to host the crew talent show. Wes, the back stage manager who has an uncanny resemblance to Dennis the Menace’s dad, Mr. Mitchell, was already getting frustrated with the last minute act and equipment changes to which I reminded him that this wasn’t the Grand Ole Opry.
I decided to open up with our Capatano’s famous inaugural speech about being magical and how we are all eagles driving into the nest. Yep, driving. Cause flying takes so much energy nowadays? The show was one of the best: the highlights were the casino department and the crew training center doing Burlesque… awesome!!
After the show, I went out to meet some members of the entertainment team. Chris who is the consummate ladies’ man was downing his second carton of Sangria and feeling real good.
Chris: You looked really good up on stage tonight, Calvyn
Calvyn: Oh my god, Chris, you’re straight!
Katie had her arm stretched out in front of her, taking photos of herself (classic Katie) while Melody was chatting it up to both bingo winners (they only won $700 a piece Melody…only $700) Scotty, the sound tech was finishing off another flask of Southern Comfort and had started playing the musical director’s trumpet…
In the row of seats in front of where I was, was Leonnie and Antenor exchanging stories about their baby turtles as if they were a couple of soccer moms chatting it while drinking wine in water bottles on the soccer field.
Leonnie: thank you for watching Bella when I was on vacation last week. Her shell is getting harder every day!
Antenor: Well it was good that Julio had a friend, although I have to say that he likes his own tank.
Leonnie: Oh yeah, Bella likes her space to. She eats better alone. It’s so funny, the only way to get her eat is if I drop her food in the water.
Antenor: I know, Julio too!
Cue Mutual laughter.
When did we all grow up and start talking about mortgages and turtles?
It was probably the most boring conversation that I have had the privilege to overhear, but it had some sort of sweetness to it. I mean being on a ship you tend to miss having a dog or a cat (the worst pet in the world) and so the only form of pets we can have on ships would be something that you can pass off as sushi, and fish are harder to smuggle past security than a turtle.
As the night closed and certain members decided to have a cabin party, I decided to go back to my cabin and finish season 2 of Grey’s Anatomy that I got from Holly. When I opened my cabin door, I stepped on an envelope. I opened it to find an invitation on behalf of Antenor to Julio’s 1st month’s birthday. As a smile crept across my face at the absurdity of celebrating the first month of a turtle’s life, I am reminded how much ridiculousness ship life can get and that, that is not a bad thing. It’s not a bad thing at all.
Julio at his party: Happy Birthday Julio |
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