The Cruise Chronicles

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I can be sensitive too

As Melody and I walked through the ship swanning* I realized that I was in no mood to talk to guests.

Juzzy is gone for two weeks and I miss her terribly. I also miss Mia who is wrapped up in Timmy the musician, whom I have been at odds with for some reason - It probably is in my head and Timmy will call me in my cabin to talk 'man to man' any time now.

Maybe he took a little offence to me calling him a garden gnome and Papa Smurf. Fair enough.  I have since stopped calling him that and refrained from calling him Willow, just in case and settled on just Timmy.

At any rate it has been a pretty lonely week so Melody and I have hung out a lot. We pull pranks on Big Daddy for instance, instead of heating his coffee to precisely 118 degrees, we only heat it up to 115 degrees and instead of 3 Splenda’s we put in two. Oh we laughed and laughed and laughed. Just yesterday we phoned the captain and pretended to be an Indian security officer asking him to report to the security office. Yeah, we got in a bit of hot water for that one but it was hilarious. We also bought a book of insults and used them on each other:

Here are some of our favourites:

Cancel my subscription, I cannot deal with your issues

Can I borrow your face ‘cause my ass is going on vacation

You must be what a relapse looks like

You’re such a smart ass, I bet you could sit on a carton of ice cream and tell what flavour it is.

Where’s you hear that-on a blog?

You’re dark and handsome. When it’s dark you’re handsome

Really? You “could care less”?

Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever

I don’t like you- and I always will

Baggage is one thing, steamer trunks are another.

As we delightfully overuse them with each other doubled over in laughter I feel fortunate to have Melody to laugh with. Tonight she is going to bring over Top Gun and we are going to wear our aviators and drink wine. This time she said I could play Maverick and she can play the sexy instructor.

*Swanning is walking down the promenade or any public deck waving at guests and nodding. 


  1. and we laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed..........hey Calvyn, your Dad shoulda pulled out.

  2. he did, i slipped past. i am a very good swimmer
