My Roommate Erik. What a tool! |
Today I wanted to stay in bed all day. I decided to get out into Venice though thanks to Ryan another entertainment staff member. The day was cold and reminded me of a Vancouver winter. We had a great dinner and on account we almost missed the ship… I was very nervous. I came back with 2 minutes to spare. It was a nice day though. I ate well. I had a good power walk in.
I have a roommate on this ship due to cabin availability. His name is Erik. He is from Whistler and he seems to understand and accept all of my idiosyncrasies and I, his such as leaving wet towels on the floor! However he does put his shoes in the shoebox. His clutter in the clutter basket and his nametag on the magnet frame and almost remembers to close the sock drawer every time. Yeah… I’m a cinch to live with. It’s sad to say, but I have not had a roommate on a ship in a long time. Being around testosterone is actually quite refreshing. It’s good for me. It has made me realize that I far too sensitive and strangely enough I’m becoming less and less neurotic. Slowly but surely.
It’s quite a comedy sometimes though. I haven’t had a guy friend in years let alone straight and sometimes our ‘cultures’ clash, however at the end of the day, we are able to laugh at our differences and celebrate the moments of our lives… was that too gay?
Calvyn - Have you lived with roommates before?
Erik – oh yes
C- How am I as a roommate?
E – Annoying, loud and you smell weird. Not bad, but weird. I’ve gotten used to it.
C- I shower. Sometimes twice daily.
E – sometimes twice just isn’t enough. You do pick the weirdest smelling soap… mint lavender?
C– one word to describe me?
E– shut up, you narcissistic bastard!
C-How are you enjoying life on a ship?
E– hate it
C– Do you enjoy sports director?
E- it’s alright.
C- That sounds very rehearsed, like you are interviewing for a job or something.
E- oh shut up.
C – I’m going to say a word and you tell me what comes to your mind.
E- oh gawd
C– eggplant?
E- uhh eggplant
C– sun
E- the sun.
C– rain
E- obviously I think of rain when you say rain… this is a stupid game.
C– Calvyn
Eric – such sadness
C –thank you for talking with me any final words?
E- I’m late for work
how in the world did i not know you write a blog? you never told ami....i am obsessed with blogs (good ones) and i am now officially stalking you (more/again).