The Cruise Chronicles

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Today a guest wearing a Cowboys sweater yelled in my face, ‘faggot’! I wasn’t expecting it and I was surprised at how it shook my insides. I was so caught off guard I just said ‘I’m sorry?’ like I wanted him to repeat it. He then followed it up by saying that my feminine voice was making him and his wife uneasy…What does that even mean?!? I mean I don’t even speak with a lisp… but I was a low alto in concert choir in high school… ahh how proud my dad must’ve been.

It is rare that I encounter such hatred and quite frankly now that I think of it, I am surprised that on a ship of many cultures (although mostly American) that I haven’t more often.

In my opinion, it’s not what you say; it’s how you say it and who you say it too. My roommate E-Dawg for instance always calls me ‘big gay bastard’ and because I have a good rapport with him and I know that we have a genuine care for each other (not in a gay way – he’s seeing a girl whose name rhymes with... Baloney) I take no offence. My sparkle friend Sarah calls me Francine and sometimes homo, and yet with the reasons listed above it doesn’t even phase me. I in turn have nicknames for them as well: for Erik I call him ‘Big Straight Bastard’ and for Sarah I call her... Sara...with NO 'H'

We have all known when we are being talked about in a negative way and we have all had people come up to us and say something negative about us.  I have had someone come on the dance floor once in the disco of a ship and told me that she was repulsed by my lifestyle to which I responded that I was repulsed by her corduroy skirt. To me it was just her being ignorant and not hateful and so I was able to respond appropriately. 

Yesterday, however, the stare of this man was filled with hate and it shook me and made me feel for the first time in a long time… ashamed and hurt. Ashamed that I allowed the word 'faggot' hold so much power and hurt because I have always been a bit sensitive about my low alto voice even though it IS what got me my solo in the Christmas Eve Concert of ’98 – Thank you Ms. McDonald.

I am 31 and very comfortable with most areas of my life, my sexuality being one of them, in fact, I rarely even talk about it as for me it is a non issue, and of course I would never let a guest such as this let me think differently of myself, however; it is a clear reminder of how much power words can hold.

The word Faggot stayed with me all day yesterday as did the pitch of my voice. I couldn’t and wouldn’t let it go. I couldn’t even run it off at the gym. Today, however; I won’t give faggot the power it had over me yesterday and if I see that guest today maybe I will give him a huge hug and ask him if he has a son… maybe not.


  1. dont we just love our customer!!! one told me to F....O...a few weeks ago as i refused to serve him a cup fo tea for a £1 when the price is £2. he is banned from the coffee shop now and he now tells people i hate jewish people coming into the coffee shop and thats why he is banned...what a load of bollocks!anyway we must'nt let the bastards get us down..missing u

  2. Words carry a lot of power and we can let them hurt us or we can rise above the slight. That word bothers me. I refuse to let my adult children use it (they never would, they've been raised to be tolerant) in my presence.

    You could have said, sorry I don't smoke!

    Let it roll off your back like water from a duck.

    Have a good week at work.

  3. I've have been on two cruises with you. You are one of the most enjoyable person I have ever met. Don't ever let some ignorant person ever get you down. Hope to see you in the future!
    Regards, Pat Osterlo (Erica's Mom)

  4. You are so wicked! LOL, hope you at least got the hug. Sounds like he needed one. he he...

  5. Peaple can be so ignorant and I just feel sorry for them mostly.I have been reading your post with John Heald and now on here and I can honestly say I can not wait to meet you in March.Be who are you my friend those whom matter do not mind and those whom mind do not matter..Ann Wood

  6. Calvyn:

    I can't even begin to describe how sickened I am after reading what happened to you today. I just debarked today after having the BEST time on the Magic, by far because of your amazing, effervescent, hilarious, engaging personality--because of who YOU are. Such ignorance in the world makes my flesh crawl.

    As someone who also has had some pretty hateful things screamed at me because of my skin color, all you can really do is just to continue being who YOU are--because for every one person that hates you, there are 15 million people who absolutely adore you. I'm one of them! Now I have to figure out what in the world I'm going to do now that I can't watch the Morning Show!!! :) Lots of love, Krystle

  7. Calvyn,

    So sorry that you had to hear that to your face and even more sorry that this man things that using words like that is ok and acceptable.

    I am enjoying your Blog, as well as John's...keep it up!

    I am new to cruising (at least the kind on ships! LOL) and look forward to joining the both of you on a cruise!

    In Pride,

    Long Island, New York

  8. What a horrible experience. There are internet trolls abound, but there are a few real-life trolls who are just ugly inside & have to spew hate. I'm so sorry someone would even consider treating someone else that way, but especially you with your humor & wonderful personality. I know this is an old post, but I just read it and am disgusted.

  9. Calvyn,

    some people just suck....I want you to know that meeting you and the BC5 crew took my mind off my impending divorce for one great week and for that I thank you. Dont ever let ignorant people like that ever get to you.

    Signed....Francis your favorite hetero....and nobody will put baby in a corner :)

  10. Ignorance is bliss, ignore them and they might crawl back under the stone.

  11. Calvin,
    VERY SORRY this was your last post in quite a while. Not easy when having to deal with people like this but one thought makes it better - you had to deal with him for a short while. That ass has to be with himself day after day and year after year.

    Come back to your blog

  12. Way to go Calvyn, you are a SWEETHEART to all your friends and Carnival Cruise family and we love you! Never change and glad you are working to not let ONE person's hatred and ignorance and shameful behavior affect you any more! HUGS are good! And please more singing with that alto Cher voice ok? or not? up to you . . .
